NPB brings celebrity to conversation about Real PorkNPB brings celebrity to conversation about Real Pork
National Pork Board partnering with actor Eric Stonestreet to dispel common misconceptions.
June 7, 2021

Consumers love pork. They also have questions about how it is produced and who is producing it. Those questions can become barriers to choosing pork if not addressed.
This campaign is just one example of how the Pork Checkoff is using the new Real Pork trust and image brand to tell a more complete farm-to-fork story and protect producers’ freedom to operate.
Why Eric Stonestreet?
Stonestreet is an “A-List” celebrity with a broad consumer fan base. He is known for his previous roles in the popular TV series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation and Modern Family.
Stonestreet remains grounded though, thanks to his upbringing on a Kansas farm, where he raised and showed pigs. His fame will help ensure the Real Pork message reaches as many consumers as possible. His agricultural background and farm values allow him to authentically address myths about pork and how it is raised.
Why is NPB doing a mythbusting series?
In a recent Checkoff-funded study, one out of three consumers said they have reduced or plan to reduce their pork consumption due to concerns about nutrition, safety and ethics of raising pork.
This series will help overcome the myths leading to these concerns among consumers who are more likely to live in urban areas, have kids at home and prioritize criteria like health and sustainability in their food decisions.
How does the series deliver on producer priorities?
About 55% of producers ranked pork promotion and telling the industry’s story as extremely important to the future success of the pork industry.
In March 2018, the NPB Board of Directors approved additional funding for “social license communication” to capitalize on this opportunity identified through the industry’s annual planning process. The series will connect consumers with the product they love, and the producers and practices used to bring it to their table.
What myths are being debunked?
National Pork Board is using Pork Checkoff-funded insights from social media monitoring and consumer polling data. This data will identify the most common misconceptions and those most concerning to consumers.
The Real Pork Barriers task force of producer leaders and state pork association representatives is currently prioritizing which myths to address first.
The series will use common sayings about pigs and pig production from popular culture. For example, dirty as a pigsty, eat like a pig, etc. Consumers will recognize and connect with these phrases. This opens the door to share how clean barns are, how caring producers are and how precise diets are on farms today.
How can producers participate?
The online video series launches late summer. Here is how producers can celebrate their impact on communities and families across America.
Tune into the Pork Checkoff’s producer webinar on July 20 that will provide more details on Real Pork and the video series. NPB will announce registration for the webinar in the weekly email and on in early July.
Share your story on social media using #CelebrateRealPork.
Participate in the industry’s speaking bureau called Operation Mainstreet. This program highlights the process of how real food is grown and raised.
Subscribe to the weekly email to receive news updates from the Pork Checkoff.
To learn more about this news series, click here.
Source: National Pork Board, who is solely responsible for the information provided, and wholly owns the information. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.
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