National Pork Industry Forum to be held Feb. 28-March 2National Pork Industry Forum to be held Feb. 28-March 2
Pork producers to discuss industry issues in Kansas City.
January 18, 2018

Source: National Pork Board
Producer delegates from across the United States will gather in Kansas City Feb. 28-March 2 for the annual National Pork Industry Forum.
The 15 producers who serve as members of the National Pork Board will hear directly from Pork Act Delegates appointed by the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture. Each year the delegates confer, vote on resolutions and advisements and provide valuable direction on the important issues facing pork producers and the industry. Delegates will learn about the aggressive promotions to grow consumer demand and plans to build consumer trust and drive sustainable production.
The theme for this year’s Pork Forum, We Care-A Decade of Commitment, references the 10-year anniversary of the We Care ethical principles. Adopted in 2008, the ethical principles show pork producers’ commitment to producing safe food, protecting and promoting animal well-being, safeguarding natural resources, promoting public health, promoting a safe work environment and contributing to a better way of life in their communities.
“The We Care ethical principles are at the core of who we are as pig farmers,” says Terry O’Neel, president of the NPB and a pig farmer from Friend, Neb. “They show consumers that we are committed to doing what’s right on the farm for people, pigs and the planet.”
At the meeting, Pork Act Delegates will rank eight candidates for the NPB, and submit the list to the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture for approval. The candidates, in alphabetical order, are:
• Gary Asay, Illinois
• Richard Deaton, Ohio
• Patricia Dumoulin, Illinois
• Todd Erickson, North Dakota
• Patrick FitzSimmons, Minnesota
• Bill Kessler, Missouri
• David Newman, Arkansas
• Bill Tentinger, Iowa
Prior to the annual meeting, members of the NPB also will convene their March board of directors meeting. The agenda will include updates on 2018 plans to enhance pork demand, increase market opportunities, improve pork production practices and invest in research priorities.
Included on the 2018 Pork Forum agenda will be opportunities for pork producers to become certified in the pork industry’s Pork Quality Assurance Plus program, as well as learn more about other pork industry programs. The full agenda is available by clicking here.
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