Free Pork Served at Motorcycle RallyFree Pork Served at Motorcycle Rally
August 2, 2012

For the seventh consecutive year, pork is the official meat of the Sturgis motorcycle rally, according to newspaper reports and the South Dakota Pork Producers Council.
South Dakota pork farmers will be celebrating their versatile and healthy product at area locations. South Dakota pork farmers will give away around 2,000 pounds of free pork loin sandwiches, T-shirts and recipe books from Aug. 4 through Aug. 7, in Sturgis, Custer, Hill City, Belle Fourche, Hot Springs and Lead.
On Saturday, Aug. 4, the South Dakota pork producers will grill at the Sturgis and Custer Lynn’s Dakotamart stores where sandwiches are available from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Free pork sandwiches will be available again on Sunday, August 5, in front of the Belle Fourche Lynn’s Dakotamart store and at Krull’s Grocery Store in Hill City. Sandwiches will be grilled from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
On Monday, Aug. 6, sandwiches will be offered at Lynn’s Dakotamarts stores in Hot Springs and Lead from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The producers conclude the pork promotions on Tuesday, Aug. 7, in front of the Lazelle Street Sturgis Dakotamart store starting at 10 a.m. Over this entire weekend, in Sturgis and surrounding areas the South Dakota Pork Producers will be grilling more than 2,000 pounds of pork, which is made possible by South Dakota Pork Producers, South Dakota Soybean Research and Promotion Council, Krull’s, and Lynn’s Dakotamart stores.
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