Triumph Foods donates nearly 40K pounds of porkTriumph Foods donates nearly 40K pounds of pork
Donation will provide more than 80,000 servings across 19 counties in northwest Missouri and northeast Kansas.
November 22, 2023

In its ongoing work to support St. Joseph and northwest Missouri, pork processor Triumph Foods is donating nearly 40,000 pounds of pork products to Second Harvest Community Food Bank ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday.
On Monday, Nov. 20, Triumph donated nearly 40,000 pounds of pork products – including seasoned loin fillets and pork roast – to Second Harvest, which fights food insecurity in northwest Missouri and northeast Kansas. The donation is estimated to provide more than 80,000 servings across the 19 counties served by the food bank. The majority of Triumph’s pork donations this year will be used to support Second Harvest’s Fresh Mobile Pantry program.
In addition to Triumph’s product donation to Second Harvest, Triumph team members volunteer their time year-round. This year, their 30 hours volunteering at the food bank helped provide lunches for Second Harvest’s No Hunger Summer feeding program.
“High-quality protein is an essential part of a healthy meal, which is why Triumph is honored to play a role in helping our communities have a good Thanksgiving,” said Triumph Foods President and CEO Matt England. “This kind of partnership amplifies the impact Triumph can have as Second Harvest is able to distribute our pork donations to those in need throughout St. Joseph and our surrounding communities.”
While the average cost of a Thanksgiving meal has declined slightly this year, it is still more expensive than before the pandemic, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual survey. Triumph Foods is pleased to be able to relieve some of the financial burden for area families as they plan for the holidays.
“We are very appreciative of the support we receive from Triumph Foods, as the most frequently requested food item from families we serve is animal protein,” said Chad Higdon, CEO of Second Harvest Community Food Bank. “We are seeing an increase in demand of around 10% to 15% at distributions, as well as an increase in the number of working families seeking food assistance. This donation will help us as we work to keep up with increasing demands.”
Triumph is also celebrating the holiday with its team members, who enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal at work last week and who will receive a case of tenderloins and meal vouchers as the winter holidays approach.
“Triumph only continues to succeed because of the hard work, innovation and positivity of our team members,” England said. “As we process pork for distributors across the country to feed our growing world, we recognize the important role Triumph plays in fighting food insecurity and providing nutritional support.”
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