Registration now open for 2020 USMEF Strategic Planning ConferenceRegistration now open for 2020 USMEF Strategic Planning Conference
Featured general session speakers include Anja Manuel, a former diplomat, and Sharon Bomer Lauritsen, former assistant U.S. trade representative.
October 2, 2020

Registration is now open for the 2020 U.S. Meat Export Federation Strategic Planning Conference, which will be held virtually Nov. 10-13. This meeting will have a different look and feel than past conferences, but organizers say they are excited to provide a top-notch agenda.
While registration is required to participate, there is no registration fee for USMEF members.
The format has been modified to accommodate a complete virtual experience, with the conference taking place over four days with a shorter time commitment each day. Featured general session speakers include Anja Manuel, a former diplomat, author and adviser on emerging markets, and Sharon Bomer Lauritsen, former assistant U.S. trade representative.
The expanded schedule also allows USMEF members to attend all sector committee meetings — Exporter Committee, Beef Committee and Pork Committee — as these meetings will not take place concurrently.
In addition to the general sessions and sector committee meetings, USMEF is offering a "Meet Your Global Staff" happy hour that will provide breakout discussion rooms where you have the opportunity to interact with international directors and staff from selected regions. These will be also be informal Q&A sessions.
Visit the meeting website to review the agenda and register. Registration will close on Nov. 2.
Source: U.S. Meat Export Federation, which is solely responsible for the information provided, and wholly owns the information. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.
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