Merck Animal Health announces new swine podcast series
Series will explore swine industry’s biggest issues and topics.
August 26, 2021
Merck Animal Health has announced the release of a new podcast series called “Driven By Prevention.” The series will explore some of the swine industry’s biggest issues and trends, and address important topics including immunology, vaccinology, influenza and management practices with swine industry leaders and influencers.
Each episode is from the Merck Animal Health Science Talks webinar series hosted by National Hog Farmer. The series also will include new content featuring swine industry experts.
“Merck Animal Health is focused on partnering with our customers to solve swine disease and reproductive challenges for better business and improved animal welfare,” said James Tate, executive director of the Swine Business Unit at Merck Animal Health. “We hope that moving towards a podcast platform will provide veterinarians, swine producers and others in the industry an important tool to a learn more about best practices in swine production while maximizing their windshield time.”
The first episode, featuring Dr. Pete Thomas, D.V.M., M.S., director of Health Services for Iowa Select Farms, and Dr. Matt Ackerman, D.V.M. with Pork Veterinary Solutions, explores using data and technology to efficiently make swine health and production decisions. It was released on August 9.
New episodes will be released every two weeks and can be found on all major podcast platforms, including Spotify, Google Podcast, RadioPublic, Breaker and Anchor. To listen to the series, go to To learn more, click here.
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