EPA Approves Wisconsin Phosphorus ProgramEPA Approves Wisconsin Phosphorus Program
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a program in Wisconsin designed to reduce phosphorus levels in the Great Lakes and Wisconsin's inland waters, according to a news release on the Wisconsin EPA Region 5 Web site.
August 9, 2012

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved a program in Wisconsin designed to reduce phosphorus levels in the Great Lakes and Wisconsin's inland waters, according to a news release on the Wisconsin EPA Region 5 Web site.
"EPA and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources are working together to improve water quality by reducing phosphorus levels," said Regional Administrator/ Great Lakes National Program Manager Susan Hedman. "This will reduce harmful algal blooms and ensure oxygen levels support fish and other aquatic life."
Wisconsin's program allows permit holders to meet phosphorus discharge requirements through partnership arrangements with others who release phosphorus. Permit holders can make such arrangements to achieve phosphorus reductions more economically. This allows communities and other permit holders to save money, while still ensuring overall phosphorus levels are reduced in the watershed.
Find more in-depth information at http://www.epa.gov/region5/water/wqb/pdf/20120725-wisconsin_phosphorus.pdf.
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