Roundtables to improve manure, soil health knowledgeRoundtables to improve manure, soil health knowledge
Look to improve the understanding of current knowledge, critical and emerging issues for which there are knowledge gaps and information needs of farmers and their advisers.
January 12, 2017
Source: Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center
The Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center has partnered with the Manure and Soil Health team to bring four great roundtables to improve the understanding of current knowledge, critical and emerging issues for which there are knowledge gaps and information needs of farmers and their advisers.
Farmers and ranchers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of soil quality/health to the productivity and sustainability of their agricultural system. Research and field observations have demonstrated that carefully managed manure applications can contribute to improved soil quality with limited environmental and social risks.
However, a comprehensive assemblage of outputs and conclusions from research studies, field trials, soil labs databases, and other sources has never been developed. Come help advance our understanding of the state of the science at the Manure and Soil Health Roundtables.
Manure and Soil Heath Testing — Feb. 9
Manure and Soil Biology — Feb. 16
Manure and Soil Erosion, Runoff and Losses — Feb. 23
Manure and Cover Crops — March 9
All roundtables will be held at 11 central, Noon eastern. Register at or
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