Anaerobic Lagoon Design Standards RevisedAnaerobic Lagoon Design Standards Revised
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has revised the standard for anaerobic animal waste lagoon design and operation. An updated reference section is among the updated features that are part the new publication entitled, “Design of Anaerobic Lagoons for Animal Waste Management.”
April 14, 2011
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) has revised the standard for anaerobic animal waste lagoon design and operation. An updated reference section is among the updated features that are part the new publication entitled, “Design of Anaerobic Lagoons for Animal Waste Management.”
ASABE is recognized worldwide as a standards developing organization for food, agricultural, and biological systems, with more than 225 standards currently in publication. Conformance to ASABE standards is voluntary, except where required by state, provincial, or other governmental requirements, and the documents are developed by consensus in accordance with procedures approved by the American National Standards Institute.
A copy of the standards can be ordered via e-mail to [email protected]. Within the next six weeks, ASABE members and those with site-license privileges to the ASABE online technical library can view an electronic copy of the standards at For additional information about any ASABE standard, contact Scott Cedarquist at 269-932-7031, or e-mail, [email protected]. A current listing of all ASABE standards projects can be found on the society’s Web site:
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