Level up your fly controlLevel up your fly control

Understand the three levels of fly activity for more effective control

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Submitted by Hog Slat Inc

Flies on hog or poultry farms are more than a nuisance; they carry diseases that can pose a severe health hazard to people and animals. Fly control is a basic component of biosecurity in hog and poultry houses.

Given the housefly's seven-day life cycle and the almost perfect environment conditions livestock and poultry facilities provide, it is no wonder populations can increase rapidly. Effective fly control begins by recognizing the behaviors flies exhibit at different levels on the farm.


Capture resting flies near the ceiling with sticky traps.  The EZ Trap combines a compact profile with a large surface area.

High - Resting area

Flies use the ceilings of a facility to rest after feeding where they can be attracted to brightly colored sticky ribbons and sticks. Another popular option is the Starbar® EZ Trap, with a large trapping surface in a compact design that hangs out of the way.


Intercept breeding flies at medium level with odor and pheromone traps like the reusable Captivator®

Medium - Breeding area

Because flies can lay up to 150 eggs in each batch, it is important to intercept them at this middle level before they move on. Attract flies by hanging odor and pheromone traps above crates, shelves, and support walls. Starbar's "Trap'n Toss" is a disposable unit capable of holding thousands of flies before tossing. The heavy-duty Captivator® model is reusable with an attractant refill.


Scatter baits are effective in low feeding areas.  Rotate active ingredients to counter chemical resistance.

Low -Feeding area

Flies feed at this level on feed and fresh animal waste. Scatter baits are an effective and economical fly control method for these areas. Most commonly, these baits are spread directly on flat surfaces out of the reach of livestock or poultry. Where there are exposure concerns, use Starbar bait stations or QuikStrike® Abatement Strips

Another way to apply scatter baits is to mix them in solution with water and either paint or spray it onto vertical walls. Click to watch a video showing the process.

It is important to rotate the active ingredients as chemical resistance can develop in as little as two years. For instance, the standard for over 40 years, Golden Marlin®, contains the active ingredient methomyl.   Rotating with QuikStrike® (dinotefuran) or Cyanarox (cyantraniliprole) can mitigate chemical resistance. 

No chemical treatment program can really be effective without good housekeeping. Cleaning up feed spills, wet litter, and manure reduces the breeding grounds and food sources in any livestock or poultry facility.  Click to see more fly control products available at Hog Slat.

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