KENT Nutrition Group launches new swine origin probioticKENT Nutrition Group launches new swine origin probiotic

EFFICOR promises to deliver $2 per pig feed cost savings.

January 16, 2024

1 Min Read
National Pork Board

KENT Nutrition Group’s Innovative Solutions team is bringing a ground-breaking probiotic to the swine industry—EFFICOR. This novel probiotic L. plantarum strain was developed in collaboration with a leading university. Research trials show EFFICOR helps improve growth performance and feed efficiency in growing and finishing pigs.

“From our findings in independent grow-finish trials, EFFICOR can make an immediate impact for the swine industry with nearly $2 per pig in feed cost savings, as a result of improved efficiencies,” said Kale Causemaker, senior director, Innovative Solutions.

This novel probiotic stands out as it is of swine origin. Innovative Solutions worked with university researchers to identify the unique strain of L. plantarum. This work showed that EFFICOR may help provide significant results that help positively impact animal performance and health.

“EFFICOR has a low inclusion rate, is cost effective and provides a positive return on investment,” Causemaker said. “We see great potential benefits to pork producers.”

To learn more, visit the website.

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