National Pork Board Responds to Tyson Foods AnnouncementNational Pork Board Responds to Tyson Foods Announcement

January 9, 2014

2 Min Read
National Pork Board Responds to Tyson Foods Announcement

The National Pork Board issued the following press release today in response to a Tyson Foods announcement addressing how pork suppliers will be implementing euthanasia practices, barn video monitoring, sow housing and swine pain management.

This week Tyson Foods announced it will urge its suppliers to implement a series of production practices that it deems representative of responsible food production. Those recommendations include the use of video monitoring in sow farms, discontinuation of manual blunt force trauma as a primary method of euthanasia, use of pain mitigation for tail docking and castration, and the recommendation for sow housing built or renovated in 2014 and beyond to provide adequate quality and quantity of space for gestating sows.

On behalf of America's pork producers, the National Pork Board continues to recognize and promote the opportunity for producers, working with their veterinarians, to make the best decisions for their farms, their families, their employees and their animals. Producers need workable, credible and affordable solutions for improving animal care. From a broad industry perspective, there are a number of important issues raised by today's announcement:

  • Currently there are no approved drugs for the use of pain mitigation in pig farming. We strongly encourage pig farmers to work with their herd veterinarian to explore options to comply with Tyson's recommendation and to ensure all federal drug-use regulations are met appropriately under the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act.

  • The National Pork Board maintains the position, supported by the American Veterinary Medical Association and the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, that there are numerous ways to provide proper housing and care for sows. Each housing system, including individual and group housing, free-access stalls and pastures, has welfare advantages and disadvantages that must be considered by a farmer. Regardless of the type of system used, what really matters is the individual care given to each pig - a mainstay of our industry's Pork Quality Assurance® Plus program.

  • Video monitoring can be a useful tool in auditing animal welfare on U.S. pig farms. However, video monitoring, like in-person auditing, is only one component of providing and ensuring good animal care and can add significant cost to the farmer. Auditing and monitoring should be balanced with a comprehensive approach to animal welfare that includes caretaker training to positively affect human-animal interaction.

As an organization that represents America's pork producers, the National Pork Board will continue to work on behalf of the industry for sound policies that recognize the importance of veterinary and animal science, recognize the interests of consumers in enhanced animal welfare and recognize the importance of producers as independent business people charged with providing the best daily care possible for the animals they raise.

Read the Tyson Foods announcement here.

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