Meat industry supports U.S. economy by over $1 trillionMeat industry supports U.S. economy by over $1 trillion
The U.S. meat and poultry industry accounts for over $1 trillion in total economic output or 5.6% of gross domestic product according to a new economic impact study by the North American Meat Institute. Barry Carpenter, president of NAMI, said, “The companies and the people that produce, process, distribute and sell nutritious meat and poultry products are an essential part of the U.S. economy. We are proud that we provide millions of quality jobs in every state and every sector of the U.S. economy and that these jobs ensure people in North America and around the world have access to our high quality, nutritious and affordable products.”
Key findings of the study:
The meat and poultry industry generated an estimated $1.02 trillion in U.S. economic activity.
Companies that produce, process, distribute and sell meat and poultry products employ nearly 1.9 million people and generate another 3.6 million jobs in supplier and ancillary industries.
The industry and its employees pay over $43.96 billion in state taxes including property, income and sales.
Industry workers earned $71.6 billion in annual wages and benefits.
California, Texas and Illinois are the top three states in terms of direct meat and poultry output.
The economic analysis was completed by John Dunham & Associates.
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