Oral Vitamin Concentrate Approved for Drinking WaterOral Vitamin Concentrate Approved for Drinking Water

Aurora Pharmaceutical has introduced Oral-Pro Vitamin D3 plus E Dispersible Liquid Concentrate. The product is labeled for oral use in young swine and in drinking water of swine. It comes in pints and gallon bottles. Recent research at the University of Wisconsin confirms the importance of supplementing Vitamin D3 and vitamin E for enhancing productivity and bone development of pigs. Vitamin D3 is needed for efficient absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus and is vital for normal bone growth. Oral Pro Vitamin D3 plus E offers flexible dosing as a 1-ml. oral product for baby pigs or diluted in a stock
solution at ½ oz. per gallon for administration to nursery pigs. The product offers convenient dosing with a 1-ml. pump included with every pint bottle. The supplement provides vitamin E to reduce the oxidative effects of iron dextran when given at processing. For more information, visit www.aurorapharmaceutical.com.
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