Fall Minnesota Conference Focuses on Livestock FeedingFall Minnesota Conference Focuses on Livestock Feeding

The 71st annual Minnesota Nutrition Conference Sept. 21-22 at the Holiday Inn in Owatonna, MN, provides feed industry professionals the opportunity to update their knowledge of beef, dairy, poultry, swine and equine nutrition

April 19, 2010

1 Min Read
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The 71st annual Minnesota Nutrition Conference Sept. 21-22 at the Holiday Inn in Owatonna, MN, provides feed industry professionals the opportunity to update their knowledge of beef, dairy, poultry, swine and equine nutrition.

The conference is sponsored annually by the University of Minnesota’s Department of Animal Science and University of Minnesota Extension.

Speakers from around the world will discuss the latest concepts in animal nutrition. Featured topics will include new technology and tools for nutritionists, plus updates on research at the University of Minnesota.

The conference is split into three sessions for attendees interested in ruminant, non-ruminant and equine nutrition.

The goal of the conference is to continue the tradition of bringing the latest information on feeding livestock to feed industry professionals in the Upper Midwest.

“In these times of razor-thin margins, livestock producers need to implement the latest feeding technologies to keep a place in the industry. Attendees of this conference will hear about the latest feeding approaches from both academia and industry,” says Noah Litherland, conference co-chair.

Registration costs $195 through Sept. 7 or $230 after that, with a $100 rate for students. More details on conference speakers and schedules will be available at http://www.ansci.umn.edu/mnc.html.

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