SDSU revamps website to ease finding submission informationSDSU revamps website to ease finding submission information

The ADRDL has implemented these changes with clients in mind.

April 24, 2018

2 Min Read
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The South Dakota State University Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory this month launched a new, interactive user guide that combines information about fees, test frequency and turnaround time in one handy location.

The new page features a sortable list of tests that can be searched by keyword, or filtered by service area and species. Clicking on the name of the test brings up a box with more information. The page can also be accessed from the main Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences Department page by following the right-side links to the “Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory,” then “Interactive Tests, Fees and User Guide.”

Another new addition is a page that contains updates from specific lab sections, along with contact information. 

In addition, enhancements have been completed on the tests results side of the ADRDL website. Clients accessing their lab reports through the VADDS report generator will now see:
• quicker information access
• the ability to search a given date and time range for “new” cases
• cases displayed by scrolling down rather than the need to click page numbers to view the next screen
• a link to directly email the case coordinator by clicking on their name from the case viewing site
• access to finalized statements, estimated invoices and other billing information online.

The ADRDL has implemented these changes with clients in mind, and the lab personnel would like to hear from users as to how the new enhancements are working. Contact Rita Miller if you would like to set up an account or password. Additionally, contact Jon Greseth, IT administrator, if you have additional questions or suggestions for future enhancements. Both can also be reached at 605-688-5171.

Source: South Dakota State University Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences Department

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