Protect against reproductive failure with latest vaccine technologyProtect against reproductive failure with latest vaccine technology
Porcine parvovirus (PPV) can cost producers unrealized potential, so flexible, innovative tools are required to help prevent losses.
March 1, 2022

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Porcine parvovirus (PPV) is no stranger to producers, but solutions for controlling this reproductive pathogen have not kept pace with recent advancements in vaccine technology. When present in breeding herds, PPV may cost producers unrealized potential, so flexible, innovative tools are required to help prevent losses.
A new solution rooted in innovation
PPV infection in pregnant sows can cause problems including fetal death and resorption, presentation of mummified fetuses at farrowing, and irregular return to estrus. To combat this costly virus, producers can now turn to ReproCyc ParvoFLEX®, a new vaccine that uses the latest technology to help prevent reproductive disease caused by PPV.1,2
REPROCYC PARVOFLEX is produced using an adjuvanted baculovirus vector platform that results in a safe, highly immunogenic and non-virucidal vaccine. It utilizes the recent PPV strain 27a, which research has shown to be effective in establishing a broad spectrum of protection when incorporated into vaccines.3 It also includes the proprietary ImpranFLEX® adjuvant, an aqueous-based (non-oil) polymer adjuvant that improves the immune response within gilts and sows, resulting in faster, long-lasting disease protection.
“We routinely see the harmful effects of PPV in the field, but it’s not always top-of-mind for many producers,” said Dr. John Waddell, Director, Key Account Veterinarians, Swine at Boehringer Ingelheim. “With REPROCYC PARVOFLEX now in our toolbox, we can help producers improve the health and productivity of their breeding herds.”
Proven protection
Research has demonstrated that vaccination with REPROCYC PARVOFLEX is safe, helps prevent reproductive disease, and significantly reduces reproductive failure caused by PPV when administered to healthy sows and gilts prior to breeding.1,2
In a vaccination-challenge study that compared gilts vaccinated with REPROCYC PARVOFLEX to non-vaccinated gilts, 96% of fetuses from vaccinated gilts were in normal condition compared to only 38% of fetuses from non-vaccinated gilts following challenge (the difference was statistically significant).1
In the same study, all of the non-vaccinated gilts (10) were PCR-positive for PPV on day 88 of the study (day 46 of gestation and seven days following challenge), while all vaccinated gilts (22) remained PCR-negative for PPV throughout the entire duration of the 127-day study. In addition, a primary outcome parameter for the study was evidence of PPV in fetuses as determined by PCR testing of fetal thoracic fluid. The mean number of affected fetuses in each litter was 1.41 among the vaccinated group, compared to 11.30 in the non-vaccinated group.1
In a field safety study, of the 771 sows and gilts vaccinated with REPROCYC PARVOFLEX, 676 (87%) were observed as healthy and experienced no adverse events (AEs) throughout the course of the study. Few AEs were recorded overall, and none of them were determined to be vaccine related.
Building a vaccine program that works for you
It’s crucial for producers to have a vaccination program that protects against reproductive disease while fitting into their existing health protocols. REPROCYC PARVOFLEX supports mass vaccination in breeding herds, and can be administered to healthy sows and gilts 6 months of age or older at any stage of gestation.
REPROCYC PARVOFLEX is also easy to use and comes ready to administer. No on-farm mixing is required.
If herds aren’t vaccinated or don’t have active immunity to PPV, they are at risk of being infected and becoming more susceptible to co-infections with other reproductive diseases such as porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) and porcine circovirus Type 2 (PCV2).4 In PRRS-positive farms, producers can use FLEX ParvoPRRS®, which combines the safety and efficacy of REPROCYC PARVOFLEX with Ingelvac PRRSFLEX® MLV in one vaccine. This combination is possible thanks to DiaTECTM, a state-of-the-art purification process that results in a highly immunogenic and non-virucidal vaccine.
For more information about establishing a vaccination program tailored to the needs of your breeding herd with REPROCYC PARVOFLEX, contact your Boehringer Ingelheim representative.
1 Data on file. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. Study #2013057.
2 Data on file. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc. Study #2016270.
3 Zeeuw E, Leinecker N, Herwig V, Selbitz H-J. Study of the virulence and cross-neutralization capability of recent porcine parvovirus field isolates and vaccine viruses in experimentally infected pregnant gilts. J Gen Virol 2007; 88:420–427.
4 Salogni C, Lazzaro M, Giacomini E, et al. Infectious agents identified in aborted swine fetuses in a high-density breeding area: a three-year study. J Vet Diagn Invest 2016;28(5):550–554.
FLEX PARVOPRRS®, REPROCYC PARVOFLEX®, INGELVAC PRRSFLEX®, and IMPRANFLEX® are registered trademarks of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica GmbH, used under license. ©2022 Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health USA Inc., Duluth, GA. All Rights Reserved. US-POR-0275-2021
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