PEDV Cases Continue Slow ClimbPEDV Cases Continue Slow Climb

September 20, 2013

1 Min Read
PEDV Cases Continue Slow Climb

Cases of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PED) virus continue to rise slowly with 17 states confirmed as infected by the virus, according to testing data reported by USDA’s National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) for the period ending Sept. 8, 2013.

Data shows a total of 612 farms infected with PED virus, up 28 from the previous week. Grow-finish dominated the caseload with 226, followed by 112 in the sow/boar category and 106 reported cases in farrowing.


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Many of the 17 states reporting positive cases of PDV virus still only have a small handful of positive swine for the reporting period, which commenced April 15, 2013.

A few states continue to record the most swine submissions testing positive for PED virus:

·       Iowa – 181 cases;

·       Oklahoma – 155 cases

·       Kansas – 77 cases;

·       Minnesota ­ – 43 cases

·       North Carolina – 40 cases

·       Colorado and Indiana – 24 cases.

To read the full report presented by the American Association of Swine Veterinarians, click on

To access recently released fact sheets for manure pumping protocols for PED virus control for pork producers and commercial manure haulers and land owners, visit

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