Iowa Pork Congress panel tackles disease preparednessIowa Pork Congress panel tackles disease preparedness
“ASF, SPS, FADs — The Alphabet Soup Panel on Preparedness Seminar” takes place Thursday morning.
January 23, 2019

It has been said the sign of a good conference is that it has timely information and current educational seminars. Well, the Iowa Pork Congress is right on time with a panel discussion taking place 9:15 a.m. Jan. 24.
The Iowa Pork Industry Center is doing its best to keep U.S. pig farmers up-to-date with what’s going on with the swine industry, and in particular with the spread of African swine fever in China and elsewhere. With that in mind, producers will want to take in the “ASF, SPS, FADs — The Alphabet Soup Panel on Preparedness Seminar” at the Iowa Pork Congress in rooms 105 and 106 of Hy-Vee Hall in the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines.
Andrew Hennenfent, Emergency Management coordinator with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, will moderate the producer panel of shared experiences on foreign animal disease preparedness. Craig Rowles will share some lessons learned from poultry in high path avian influenza; Neal Benjamin will share his experience with ASF in China and Pam Zaabel will talk about the Secure Pork Supply plan.
According to the IPIC, ASF continues to spread in China. There are now reported cases in two new provinces, Gansu and Ningxia.
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