IBVM proposes changes to Iowa VCPRIBVM proposes changes to Iowa VCPR
Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine proposes clarifying time interval for vet-client-patient relationship.
November 25, 2021

The Iowa Board of Veterinary Medicine (IBVM) has proposed an amendment to Chapter 12 “Standards of Practice” to clarify the time interval for a veterinarian-client-patient relationship (VCPR). The amendment revises one of the criteria by requiring that in order to maintain a VCPR, a veterinary must perform a physical examination or have visited the patient on-site within the previous 12 months. Previously the rule had read “…an examination of the patient or by medically appropriate and timely visits to the premises…”.
The following rule-making action is proposed:
Amend paragraph 12.1(1)"b" as follows:
b. The licensed veterinarian has sufficient knowledge of the patient to initiate at least a general or preliminary diagnosis of the medical condition of the patient. Sufficient knowledge means that the licensed veterinarian has recently seen or is personally acquainted with the care of the patient by virtue of an a physical examination of the patient or by medically appropriate and timely visits within the past 12 months to the premises where the patient is kept; and
The public commenting period closed August 31, 2021. However, this rule has not yet been adopted. The IBVM listened to concerns from stakeholders from across the livestock industry about this proposed rule. The IBVM has tabled the topic until its December 30, 2021, board meeting. Board members and contact information can be found at iowaagriculture.gov.
Source: AASV and IVMA
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