Canada PEDV positive sites surge past 50Canada PEDV positive sites surge past 50
Since May there have been 52 PEDV cases confirmed in Manitoba, Canada.
July 10, 2017
The number of farms testing positive for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus in Canada surges past 50. Manitoba Pork Council confirms over 50 farms test positive for PEDV in southeast Manitoba and eight disease buffer areas, comprising 21 sow operations, 13 nursery and 16 feeder.
Since May, there have been 52 PEDV cases confirmed in Manitoba, Canada, according to the Manitoba government website published July 7.
Manitoba Pork urges pork producers to increase biosecurity measures to ensure PEDV doesn’t “walk” into the barn. The organization offers the following tips when reviewing biosecurity protocols.
Put a barrier up at the end of your driveway. This keeps all uninvited visitors off of your property and also forces expected visitors (feed truck, veterinarian, etc.) to stop and follow your Controlled Access Zone entry protocols. Have your CAZ entry protocols handy (laminated and disinfected often) for service providers.
Staged entry. Consider having staff park at the CAZ boundary and walk to the barn; having dedicated footwear and coveralls (boots or disposables stored in Rubbermaid containers to protect them from the elements) for staff to wear from the CAZ boundary to the door of the barn; having a pump/backpack disinfectant sprayer at the CAZ boundary for vehicles entering/leaving your operation.
Danish entry in the doorway. Consider leaving footwear (dedicated or otherwise) outside the door of the barn; leaving socks and outer wear at the barn door; having a pump/backpack sprayer at the Restricted Access Zone to disinfect the front door area at the end of every day; making sure employees utilize a double bag method for bringing in lunches; having lots of disinfectant spray available.
Shower in/out. Make shower sanitization a priority every day. Keep the clean side “clean.” Have staff shower out of the barn for biocontainment (a barn’s PEDV negative status can change overnight).
As Manitoba producers struggle through the PEDV crisis, other resources are available. Manitoba Pork’s PEDV webpage has further information including a PEDV Q&A with Rachel Siemens for Steinbach Online.
Buffer areas 1-8 as of July 6, 2017
Confirmed on-farm cases of PEDV
As of July 7, nine of the 61 premises in Manitoba previously confirmed to have PEDV, are now determined to be PEDV Presumptive Negative following a negative status protocol developed by the Chief Veterinary Office and Manitoba’s swine veterinarians.
A PEDV Presumptive Negative premises is a premises where the affected producer has implemented strict measures to eliminate PEDV from all pigs and pig contact areas and have confirmed the virus has been eliminated through repeated animal and environmental testing. However, a potential PEDV risk still remains within the manure storage system.
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