#RealPigFarming Social Media Project Launched
July 11, 2014
A team of pork industry “agvocates” has been selected to represent the pork industry as part of the new Pork Checkoff-sponsored #RealPigFarming social media outreach program. The new initiative centers around the goal of empowering pig farmers to have meaningful conversations and a positive impact with consumers on social media about what is happening on their farms.
A team of pork producers from 10 states joins animal scientists and agricultural university students from across the U.S. as part of an elite team called Social Forces. The Social Forces team will tell their farm stories via images, videos and social media posts.
The Pork Checkoff is encouraging everyone who has a passion for agriculture or a positive story to share about real pig farming to please use #RealPigFarming in status updates, tweets, Instagram photos, blogs, vlogs and any other social media updates.
For more information, visit www.facebook.com/RealPigFarming, or follow @RealPigFarming on Twitter. Contact Claire Masker, [email protected] for more information.
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