Pork Checkoff Guide Addresses Feed CostsPork Checkoff Guide Addresses Feed Costs
The Pork Checkoff has announced release of a new resource guide designed to help pork producers address high feed costs
January 7, 2011

The Pork Checkoff has announced release of a new resource guide designed to help pork producers address high feed costs.
The 34-page booklet includes management tips and resources, along with checkoff-funded research to assist producers in identifying opportunities to increase on-farm efficiencies and reduce costs.
For example, the section on feeding processing and manufacturing covers ways to improve efficiency such as decreasing pellet size, improving pellet quality, maintaining feeding equipment and possible use of wet-dry feeders.
“Practical Ideas to Address High Feed and Production Costs” is available online at www.pork.org and will be available at many state pork trade shows.
Sources used to develop the booklet include Pork Checkoff research, the Pork Industry Handbook and other resources such as the U.S. Pork Center of Excellence.
For more information, contact Mark Knauer at the National Pork Board at [email protected] or (515) 223-2606.
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