What Message Did the Voters Send?
November 10, 2014
In analyzing various exit polls on voter attitudes, a strong message for both the White House and Congress is the public doesn’t like you! The public is both angry and dissatisfied with the White House and Congressional leaders. They have a negative view of both parties and are concerned with the direction of the country and the economy. The following are some of the results of various exit polls on voters’ attitudes:
Nearly 60% are angry or dissatisfied with the White House and the Republican leaders in Congress
80% disapprove of Congress
34% voted in opposition to President Obama
61% dislike the Republican Congressional leaders
President Obama’s job approval is 44% approve and 54% disapprove
65% believe the country is going in the wrong direction (12% higher than in 2012)
Only 20% believe the federal government will do what is right all or most of the time
70% believe the economy is in bad shape
50% expect life for the next generation to be worse
Voters have an unfavorable feeling toward both political parties – Democratic Party: 44% favorable/55% unfavorable; Republican Party: 40% favorable/56% unfavorable
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