Senate Proposed Budget Cuts $23 billion for AgricultureSenate Proposed Budget Cuts $23 billion for Agriculture
Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), chairwoman of the Senate Budget Committee, released the Senate Democratic budget which includes an equal mix of spending cuts ($975 billion) and new revenues ($975 billion) by closing tax loopholes.

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), chairwoman of the Senate Budget Committee, released the Senate Democratic budget which includes an equal mix of spending cuts ($975 billion) and new revenues ($975 billion) by closing tax loopholes. The budget proposes $23 billion in cuts for agriculture over the next 10 years. The proposal states the importance of enacting a “strong” five-year farm bill: “Preserving a safety net for producers, to expanding economic opportunities in a clean energy economy, to accessing new markets for our domestically produced products, a farm bill authorizes and provides funding for the programs necessary to keep rural America thriving.” The budget allows the Senate Agriculture Committee to determine how the $23 billion in cuts would be implemented.
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