NPPC urges lawmakers to fix emissions reporting lawNPPC urges lawmakers to fix emissions reporting law
Pork producers are committed to responsibly managing their animals and the manure they produce to protect water and air quality and to maximizing manure’s benefit and value.
February 7, 2018

The National Pork Producers Council today asked Congress for a legislative fix to a federal emergency response law that now requires farmers to report emissions from the natural breakdown of manure to the U.S. Coast Guard.
Testifying on behalf of the NPPC, Howard Hill told members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works that livestock producers and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency never believed routine agricultural emissions from manure constituted the type of emergency or crisis the law was intended to address.
Last April, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejected a 2008 EPA rule that exempted farmers from reporting routine farm emissions under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act and the Emergency Planning Community Right to Know Act.
CERCLA is mainly used to clean hazardous waste, and it and EPCRA include provisions that require entities to report on the release of various substances over certain thresholds.
The appeals court ruling will force “tens of thousands of livestock farmers to figure out how to estimate and report their emissions,” testified Hill, a veterinarian and pork producer from Cambridge, Iowa, and past president of the NPPC. (More than 100,000 livestock farmers likely will need to file emissions reports by a May 1 deadline.)
He points out that while the pork industry is prepared to comply with CERCLA and EPCRA, EPA, the U.S. Coast Guard — which takes the emissions reports — and state and local emergency response authorities have said they don’t want or need the information, which could interfere with their legitimate emergency functions.
Hill also told the committee that pork producers are committed to responsibly managing their animals and the manure they produce to protect water and air quality and to maximizing manure’s benefit and value as a source of nutrients for the crops they grow. He says the pork industry, which has worked cooperatively with environmental regulators at the state and federal levels, supports federal environmental policies that give producers performance expectations that have a high probability of resulting in meaningful environmental improvements; are practical and affordable; and provide producers a realistic amount of time to adapt measures and associated systems to their operations so they can continue to be profitable and successful.
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