Find your peace on Earth

If the world is getting you down, let go of all that this Christmas season. Look for the good in yourself, and in those around you in your little corner of the world.

Kevin.Schulz, senior content specialist

December 22, 2017

3 Min Read
Find your peace on Earth

“… and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

That’s how Linus finishes his soliloquy explaining the true meaning of Christmas to Charlie Brown in the Christmas classic.

Finding peace on earth is difficult most every year, but it seems to be more allusive this year. The turmoil that used to be reserved for the international scene has crept into our country, state, even our neighborhoods. It almost seems like a rebranding of this still-great country may be fitting — the Divided States of America.

Those who tend to spend too much time on social media know that it doesn’t take too long to get a livened debate of divisiveness. Some trolls on social media platforms can turn the most benign posting into an anti-Trump, anti-Obama or even and anti-G. W. Bush rant.

Though I despise most of what social media has to offer, I found a nugget that I’m going to borrow to lighten moods and spread some holiday cheer.

1. Turn off the news.
There is enough going on in our own lives, every once in a while it can be refreshing to cut out the outside world. World and national events will still be there the day after Christmas.

By turning off the news, you will allow yourself to clear your minds and hearts so that you can …

2. Be totally in love with everyone and everything.
Hectic lives can often get in the way of paying attention to the things that really matter. “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans” is a line from a song that often plays in my head. Yes, we all (or at least most of us) need to work to support our families, but too many of us get too consumed by that work that we forget about the families.

Which leads us to …

3. Remember that the best things in life are not things at all.
That is pretty self-explanatory. We can get too busy trying to win the prize that we forget the prizes that we surround ourselves with every night that we come home, and that we welcome into our homes this holiday season.

Making room for all of the real treasures in our lives, it may be time to …

4. Donate, give away or recycle any and all clutter.
Cleanliness is next to Godliness, they say. And since Christmas is a time of giving, let’s make a point to give away what we no longer need. Christmas has become a commercialized money maker, so often we think in materialistic needs and wants.

But, we can also give of our minds and from our hearts. Cleaning the clutter from both organs will cleanse your spirit, allowing you to …

5. Take a break. A real one.
It can be hard to truly disconnect from the world, as most everyone has a device of some sort permanently connected to the palm of their hand. If you allow yourself the chance to unplug and unwind, even for a short time, you will come back stronger and more refreshed than ever before.

Your family will thank you, and you will thank yourself.

Enjoy this holiday weekend, and my Christmas wish to you is that you find peace on Earth, or at least in your little corner of the world.

About the Author


senior content specialist, National Hog Farmer

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