Farm Bill Moving ForwardFarm Bill Moving Forward
May 13, 2013
The farm bill process is moving forward this week with the Senate Agriculture Committee marking up its farm bill, The Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2013, tomorrow. The House Agriculture Committee will be considering its version, The Federal Agriculture Reform and Risk Management (FARRM) Act of 2013, on Wednesday.
The Senate bill cuts a total of $23 billion over 10 years and the House bill cuts $39.7 billion. A key difference is the level of cuts for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) with the House cutting $20.5 billion and the Senate cutting $4 billion.
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The Senate bill ends direct payments, consolidates 23 existing conservation programs into 13 programs, lowers the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) from 30 million acres in 2014 to 25 million acres in 2018, and contains conservation compliance for crop insurance program. The House bill also repeals direct payments, but does not contain conservation compliance or income eligibility limitations for crop insurance. The House bill reduces the CRP maximum acres from the current 32 million acres to 27 million acres in 2018.
There is no livestock title in either the House or Senate bills and neither includes the HSUS/United Egg Producers agreement on cage sizes for laying hens.
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