Drop the bias and take a hard look at your production strategy
Sometimes you think what you are doing is best but, even so, there is always value in stepping back and looking objectively at what is really going on.
December 12, 2023
Pork profitability and risk management go hand in hand, and considering today’s market conditions its important to drop any existing biases and look strategically at what you might have done differently this year.
Joining Feedstuffs Precision Pork host Patrick Duerksen in this episode are Cargill’s Matt Wolfe and Andrew Leddy. They talk about specific steps that can be taken to strategically improve your operation's bottom line. It may be reevaluating your nutrition strategy, tightening down your feeder settings or doing a complete strategy review. Feed efficiency is clearly still important but, as they explain, what isn’t needed at this time is formulating for weight gain.
Feedstuffs Precision Pork is brought to you by Cargill. Never miss out on knowing today’s profitability outlook. To learn more about the general outlook, sign up for Cargill’s Pig Flash newsletter. You can also customize the data to your operation using Cargill’s Producer Profitability tools so you always have the profitability outlook tailored to your specific situation. Just ask the Cargill team
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