BIOMIN releases new mycotoxin analytical service, detects up to 55BIOMIN releases new mycotoxin analytical service, detects up to 55
All the Spectrum services utilize the liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) technology.
November 28, 2018

Source: BIOMIN America Inc.
BIOMIN has announced the addition of a new mycotoxin analytical service, Spectrum Top 50, to their PROcheck service. The service uncovers a wider range of mycotoxins in feed and feed ingredients and also detects masked mycotoxins and so called “emerging mycotoxins.”
“Our customers encounter mycotoxin contamination daily. That contamination has been proven to undermine nutrition, reproduction, and animal health, as well as impair growth, decrease feed intake, and cause other serious immune complications. With the introduction of Spectrum Top 50, our customers will have access to a screening that will identify 55 mycotoxins and metabolites that are known to contribute to these challenges,” says Simon Walley, president of BIOMIN America Inc.
With the addition of Spectrum Top 50, BIOMIN now has three Spectrum mycotoxin analytical services available through its no charge PROcheck service. All the Spectrum services utilize the liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) technology.
Spectrum Basic — It tests feedstuffs for a panel of up to 18 mycotoxins within the six major groups: aflatoxins, zearalenone, A-trichothecenes (T-2, HT-2, Neosolaniol, etc.), B-trichothecenes (DON/vomitoxin, Nivalenol, etc.), fumonisins and ochratoxin-A. This panel is considered “the standard” in the industry for testing of commonly occurring mycotoxins and is an accepted part of an effective mycotoxin risk management program.
Spectrum Top 50 — In addition to testing all the mycotoxins covered in Spectrum Basic, this test goes beyond to screen additional mycotoxins including masked and merging ones and their metabolites such as alternaria toxins, aspergillus toxins, enniatins, beauvericin, fusarium metabolites and penicillium toxins. It is an advanced test that provides a detailed picture of 55 mycotoxins that are proven to cause negative effects in animals, thus helps in putting an ultimate mycotoxin risk management program in place.
Spectrum 380 — It tests for all the mycotoxins covered in Spectrum Top 50 and goes beyond to identify almost all the known (about 450+) mycotoxins and their metabolites including masked and emerging mycotoxins. It is the most comprehensive, powerful and accurate analysis of its kind, that helps to build the toxin profile of feedstuffs which would be most helpful to research and or investigative purposes.
“BIOMIN and Romer Labs are using their synergies to deliver a new service that clearly benefits the customer. This state-of-the-art technology provides unparalleled speed for such a complete view of their mycotoxin situation,” says Jan Vanbrabant, managing director of BIOMIN and executive board chairman of ERBER Group. Both BIOMIN and ROMER Labs are a part of ERBER Group.
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