Bob Hines Kansas Swine Classic moves to virtual show for 2020Bob Hines Kansas Swine Classic moves to virtual show for 2020
Along with the virtual prospect and market shows there will also be an opportunity for exhibitors to test their knowledge in the Swine Skillathon.
June 1, 2020

Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry will be hosting the 2020 Dr. Bob Hines Kansas Swine Classic virtually. This transition to a virtual format will include a showmanship contest, prospect and market hog shows, as well as a skillathon and photo contest.
"Last year, the Dr. Bob Hines Kansas Swine Classic attracted 156 exhibitors showing 317 pigs from 45 counties," says Joel DeRouchey, KSU ASI professor and event coordinator. "Currently K-State has a policy that on-campus personnel cannot host large in-person events until July 31. Thus, we are not able to host the 2020 event at the Riley County Fairgrounds. However, we feel strongly the show must go on and have decided to host the 2020 Dr. Bob Hines Swine Classic as a virtual event."
Open to all Kansas youth ages 7 through 18 as of Jan. 1, 2020, youth must pre-enter online. After online entry and receipt of payment, exhibitors will be provided information via email for video requirements (regular show and showmanship division), submission process and details to successfully be entered in the show.
Along with the virtual prospect and market shows there will also be an opportunity for exhibitors to test their knowledge in the Swine Skillathon. This highly interactive event will offer three age divisions: 7-10, 11-14 and 15-18. The skillathon will be hosted virtually July 9. More details will be distributed via email to families who submit an online entry and payment for the show.
Another opportunity for exhibitors to be involved will be to submit up to two swine-related photos to compete in the photography contest. Submission and voting information will be provided to all exhibitors after their swine entries are complete. Future K-Staters who are under the age of 7 are invited to participate in the coloring contest. Kids who would like to participate should email their finished coloring page to Lois Schreiner at [email protected] by June 15, with their name, age and mailing address. All coloring contest participants will receive a prize.
All awards and results will be presented July 15 via Facebook Live.
Online entries are required. Payment to accompany entry receipt must be postmarked by June 15, 2020, and sent to 218 Weber Hall, 1424 Claflin Road, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. Make checks payable to Kansas Swine Club. Fees are $20 per head. Each exhibitor can enter up to four head.
For questions, contact Joel DeRouchey, extension swine specialist, at [email protected] or 785-532-2280; or Lexie Hayes, youth livestock coordinator, at [email protected] or 785-532-1264.
Source: Kansas State University Department of Animal Sciences and Industry, which is solely responsible for the information provided, and wholly owns the information. Informa Business Media and all its subsidiaries are not responsible for any of the content contained in this information asset.
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