Pipestone marks a decade of discovery at the Sioux Empire FairPipestone marks a decade of discovery at the Sioux Empire Fair

In 2023, visitors had the opportunity to see 218 piglets born in public view.


August 5, 2024

1 Min Read
Piglets born at Sioux Empire Fair

This year marks a monumental milestone as PIPESTONE celebrates a decade of discovery with their renowned Discovery Barns. For the past ten years, these educational havens have been a cornerstone at county and state fairs across Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota, bringing the world of agriculture to life for fairgoers of all ages.

The highlight of this celebratory year is the Sioux Empire Fair in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, running from Aug. 2- 10. The Discovery Barn will offer an interactive experience for the whole family. With a focus on hands-on learning, visitors can expect to see:

  • Farrowing sows and weaned pigs: Witness the miracle of birth and learn about the early stages of a piglet’s life.

  • Educational displays: Explore engaging exhibits that provide insights into modern farming practices and the importance of agriculture in our daily lives.

  • Live animal displays: From piglets to calves and chicks, see farm animals up close and learn about their care and significance in agriculture.

 2023 highlights:

  • 14 sows donated to FFA & 4-H families for pigs

  • 218 piglets born in public view

  • 10 iso-wean pigs on display and donated to FFA & 4-H families

  • 1 calf born

  • 36 chicks hatched

Stay connected and informed by following us on Facebook @PipestoneDiscovery. Get year-round agriculture facts, updates and live coverage from the Sioux Empire Fair. Don’t miss out on the latest news and events from Pipestone’s Discovery Barn.

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About the Author


For more than 80 years, PIPESTONE has been serving our mission of Helping Farmers Today Create the Farms of Tomorrow.

In 1942, Drs. E.A. Schweim and P.A. Pinkert founded the Pipestone Veterinary Clinic as a large animal veterinary practice. Dr. G.F. Kennedy (Doc) joined the practice in 1960 and helped grow the clinic into what it is today, the largest swine veterinary clinic in the United States.

Pipestone Management was founded in 1988. In 1990 Hiawatha Gilts, LTD was built and became the first PIPESTONE-managed sow farm. Hiawatha was a 700 sow, state-of-the-art, farrow-to-finish farm owned by area farmers. The farm is still in operation today as a 2,500 sow farrow to wean farm, representing the forward-thinking leadership PIPESTONE brings to family farmers.

PIPESTONE has evolved to provide resources and expert services in pig health, management, nutrition, research, and business all designed to support the individual family farmer.

Today, PIPESTONE proudly works with over 1,500 farmers, serving our mission of Helping Farmers Today Create the Farms of Tomorrow. We seek to enhance the family farm; living our core values provides the foundation to help our pig farmers be the very best in the world.

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