Max Armstrong offers shares insight on a new study that shows what's killing us.
December 14, 2016
A new study out shows what's killing us state by state, even down to the county. Cardiovascular disease deaths are highest in areas of the southern Mississippi Valley. Mental and substance abuse deaths happen most often in Kentucky. Liver disease kills people in the southwest and western states.
The loss of fertile topsoil from farm fields is economic problem for growers, not just societal problem. A Missouri researcher has found switchgrass improves soil quality and can be grown on farms that have lost fertile topsoil.
On this very cold day in Chicago, Max enjoyed bowl of oatmeal and thought of the growers in western Canada. While prices of oatmeal have jumped almost 40% over the last three months, the price of the commodity is only a small portion of the cost of your bowl of oatmeal.
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