Biosecurity in livestock production: The impact on animal and gut healthBiosecurity in livestock production: The impact on animal and gut health
When it comes to animal and gut health, biosecurity on the farm can play a critial role. Dr. Jordan Gebhardt of Kansas State University joins us with the details.
October 16, 2024
Why is gut health important and what connection exists between it and biosecurity? What about feed biosecurity? What role does it play?
Our guest in this episode of Feedstuffs in Focus is Dr. Jordan Gebhardt, assistant professor with Kansas State University. Dr. Gebhardt joins us to discuss the link between biosecurity and gut health in livestock production.
Dr. Gebhardt was part of this week’s line up of speakers at the 2024 Kemin Intestinal Health Symposium. We had a chance to catch up with him recently to get a preview of his presentation.
To view the 2024 Kemin Intestinal Health Symposium in on-demand, simply go to and sign up. It is a free symposium open to all.
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